学生反馈 Testimonial


Sunday, September 14, 2014

教师罢工最新消息 2014.9.14

[编者按:今天工会与政府终于重回谈判桌。CBC新闻报导,这边,在Richmond 宾馆,调解人Vince Ready 奔走于双方代表的房间,目前仍没有消息说有任何进展;那边,温哥华艺术馆旁由新注册成立的家长联合会组织的反对工会罢工的集会与支持工会集会人员发生小冲突。

开学两周,孩子们仍然复课无望,大家都感到很焦虑,特别是应届高中毕业生及家长。工会与政府以教育为筹码做物质交易很难让人理解和接受的。 ]

A group calling itself the BC Parents' Federation wielding anti-union signs crashed a rally at the Vancouver Art Gallery that included parents, teachers' and union supporters. (CBC)

Teachers react with anger as an anti-union group of parents from Richmond crash a largely pro-union rally at the Vancouver Art Gallery that included teachers, parents and union leaders. (CBC)

Chief negotiators for both sides in the B.C. teachers' dispute are hunkered down at a Richmond hotel for talks this weekend as another week without school looms on the horizon for half a million British Columbia school children.

The chief negotiators for both sides are meeting with veteran mediator Vince Ready, who confirms bargaining is underway.

However, there is still little clarity about the nature of the bargaining or its scope as the parties have agreed not to talk until there is something to say.
UPDATES | B.C. teachers' strike
B.C. teachers' strike: Both sides silently resume discussions​

On Wednesday, teachers voted by a margin of more than 99 per cent to end their strike if the government would agree to binding arbitration but the government rejected the offer out-of-hand saying it could lead to a tax hike.

Vince Ready B.C. teachers
Mediator Vince Ready arrives at a Richmond hotel to lead the talks as the two sides in the teachers' dispute try to find common ground. (CBC)

The school year has been delayed indefinitely as more than 40,000 teachers picket across the province, wait for their leadership and the government to strike an agreement so they can commence classes. Teachers started strike action almost two weeks before the end of the school year in June.

Bargaining has been at a near standstill while both sides attempt to gain public support. Families grow weary of the dispute and many on the picket lines say they yearn to start teaching again.
Legislated settlement coming?

Education Minister Peter Fassbender wants a negotiated settlement. Premier Christy Clark said earlier this week she is determined to get a conclusion before she flies out to India on a trade mission Oct. 9, three days after the legislature resumes.

Jim Iker, B.C. teachers dispute
B.C. Teachers Federation President Jim Iker chats on the phone during a break in negotiations at the Richmond hotel where bargaining is underway. (CBC)
Fassbender had flatly rejected back-to-work legislation until Thursday, when he softened his position and said legislation was another option available to government.

A coalition of Ontario public school educators donated $100,000 Friday to a growing pot of money being distributed as loans and grants to financially struggling teachers. The contribution raised an overall hardship fund to nearly $9 million.

Ontario Teachers' Federation president Rian McLaughlin represents 160,000 teachers, who she said have watched their B.C. counterparts suffer for a long time and want to show their support.

Three affiliates contributed to the donation: the Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario, the Ontario English Catholic Teachers' Association and the Ontario Secondary School Teachers' Federation.


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