学生反馈 Testimonial


Monday, September 15, 2014

教师罢工最新消息 2014.9.15

[编者按:周日劳资双方漏夜进行了16小时谈判,今晨谈判仍将继续,此间对媒体封锁消息,谈判进展不得而知。清晨两点谈判休会期间调解人Vince Ready就记者提问做了简短回答。他称昨夜,谈判双方几个月来第一次面对面坐到谈判桌旁,在媒体和公众看来这似乎是一个很大的进展。形式固然重要,学生和家长更关心的是孩子们何时能够返校这个事实。让我们期待今天僵持已久的形势有所转变。]

B.C. teachers' strike: Talks continue under media blackout
Negotiations expected to resume Monday following 16-hour session on Sunday

CBC News Posted: Sep 15, 2014 6:34 AM PT Last Updated: Sep 15, 2014 9:05 AM PT

Negotiations are expected to resume this morning in the B.C. public school teachers' dispute, offering a glimmer of hope that a deal may be in the works.

Bargaining teams for the B.C. Teachers' Federation, and the B.C. Public School Employers' Association met over the weekend at a Richmond hotel—including a 16-hour session on Sunday—as they tried to reach an agreement to send more than half a million students back to school.

Talks adjourned at 2 a.m. PT
 Monday, when mediator Vince Ready emerged to say he was able for the first time to bring the two sides together in the same room.

"We had one joint meeting today, and that was the only one we had. Other than that, I'm just shuttling back and forth," said Ready.

Because there is a media blackout, no one is saying what is being discussed or what concessions are being made.

B.C. Teachers' Federation head Jim Iker, Education Minister Peter Fassbender and B.C. Public School Employers chief negotiator Peter Cameron, left to right, are the major players in the public school teachers' dispute. (CBC)

But Ready did say both sides will reconvene for a presentation from the BCTF on Monday.

"The BCTF are working on a proposal, and they are going to get back to me in the morning."

To outsiders, the fact negotiations are scheduled to resume later Monday morning may sound incremental, but the face-to-face meetings appear to be the most progress made in months.

The new negotiations come after the government rejected binding arbitration to end the impasse, despite the vast majority of teachers voting in favour of it.

In the past, the government has accused the BCTF of demanding a wage and benefit package worth twice as much as the contracts agreed to by most of the public sector unions.

And BCTF has demanded the government remove a proposal it feared would circumvent its decade long legal battle to regain some control over class size, and composition.

Over the weekend, parents and students made plenty of noise at multiple rallies.

Tensions appear to be rising though. A brief confrontation broke out at the Vancouver Art Gallery when a pro-teacher rally was crashed by a group of parents from Richmond wielding anti-union signs.

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